06. Installing the Fixed Wing Simulator

Fixed Wing Simulator

The (optional) final project for this course involves writing a controller for a fixed wing aircraft. You don't need to worry about the details of this project right now, but now would be a good time to install the fixed wing simulator you'll be using.

At this point you should:

  1. Visit the github repository for the final project and skim through the instructions so you have a sense for what the final project is.

  2. Download the appropriate fixed wing simulator for your machine.

  3. Play around in sandbox mode (there are instructions in the final project repo page for how to do this).

  4. Answer the questions below about the control surfaces on a fixed wing vehicle.


There are three primary types of control surfaces on this vehicle. In manual mode, these control surfaces are controlled with pairs of keyboard keys. Match the labeled control surfaces above to the keyboard keys that control them.


Control Surfaces

Keyboard Keys

Up arrow / Down arrow

Q / E

A / D


Control Surfaces

Keyboard Keys

Up arrow / Down arrow

Q / E

A / D

The body frame axes for a fixed wing vehicle are typically defined as shown above. Rotations about each of these axes is given its own name.

  • Roll is rotation about the x axis
  • Pitch is rotation about the y axis
  • Yaw is rotation about the z axis

Each of the three control surfaces is primarily responsible for rotations about one of these axes.


Match the rotation to the labeled control surface (top image).



Control Surface

Control Surface "A"

Control Surface "B"

Control Surface "C"



Control Surface

Control Surface "A"

Control Surface "B"

Control Surface "C"